Deep Red Pink |
Bright Yellow |
If you live in the GTA & spend any time in the Shoppers Drugmart, you'll have noticed that GOSH's Oh My Gosh line is on sale at $1.99 CDN. Damn straight that I never say "No" to a $2 nail polish but one would also hope if you name your polish "Oh My Gosh", one would hope that it's something really worth exclaiming about but these polishes are just OK. Mind you, there's nothing wrong with them: they are perfectly acceptable colours and quality and are worth your money, I just can't get worked up about them...
If you don't hear from me in a while, that means I'm spending way, way, way too much time with my copy of The Avengers. Or as we like to call it in my house: PORN!!!
I'll Be In My Room...Aaaawwww Yeeeeaahhhh!!! |
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